Categories for Uncategorized

Take the Time to Donate Blood For Those In Need

Approximately every minute of every day, someone in Canada needs blood. Half of all Canadians will either need blood or know someone who will need blood at some point in their lives. As a Partner For Life, Commissionaires BC encourages everyone to take the time to donate blood for those in need. To learn more on how you can help save a life, visit:

CEO Dan Popowich Presented with Ron Minion Award

This year marks ASIS International’s 61st Annual Seminar Exhibits in Anaheim, CA. In attendance was CEO Dan Popowich, which turned out to be particularly memorable for him, as he was presented with the Ron Minion Award. The Canadian Region “L” Ron Minion Award is presented annually to a Canadian security professional who has consistently worked for the betterment of the security industry over an extended period. A nominee is considered for such an award based on their significant volunteer contributions…
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