Commissionaires is accredited by the RCMP to conduct fingerprinting services and criminal record checks. With our friendly and reliable service experts, we will make your experience a comfortable one. We offer services in Hindi and Punjabi in Central City.

Please note that services are provided by appointment, and we are happy to schedule an appointment for walk-in clients, or if you require assistance. Schedule your appointment here:

Mobile Services: Please contact us at 604.646.3330 or email to schedule an appointment for remote services at your premises, which is ideal for companies requiring large group clearances, and for priority clients.*
*A mobile site fee may apply depending on group size and location.

Our Services include:

DIGITAL FINGERPRINTING..................$60 (+$25 RCMP fee if applicable)

INK & ROLL FINGERPRINTING............$60 (20% OFF for each additional set)

CRIMINAL RECORD CHECK (Name Based CPIC)............$55

Can't visit one of our processing locations for a Criminal Record Check (CPIC)?

We also offer Electronic Criminal Record Checks (eCPICs) for $55. This transaction is processed through our Ottawa office.

CANADIAN RECORD SUSPENSIONS (“Pardons”) …. Starting at $599.00*

US ENTRY WAIVERS …. Starting at $599.00*

NOTE: All locations do not accept cash.


  1. 2 pieces of government issued ID and one must be a photo ID (Note: SIN cards are not accepted)
  2. Permanent Resident Card or Record of Landing (for citizenship applications)
  3. Letter from Immigration or Citizenship office where you first applied (must contain file, case or client number)
  4. For Vulnerable Sector Checks, a letter from your local police or the BC Ministry of Justice is required
  5. For Immigration Services involving clearances to or from foreign countries please use the following Government of Canada reference website to confirm your service requirements, and what you may need to bring with you.


VANCOUVER DOWNTOWN: #600-595 Howe Street, Vancouver, BC V6C 2T5
Phone: 604 646 3330 Opt. 2 Opt. 1
Hours: 8:00AM - 3:30PM, Monday through Friday

#322-10153 King George Blvd, Surrey Central City Mall, Surrey, BC V3T 2W1
Phone: 604 646 3330 Opt. 2 Opt. 2
Hours: 9:30AM - 5:00PM Monday to Saturday

 #100-346 Lawrence Avenue, Kelowna, BC V1Y 6L4
Phone: 250 979 4773
Regular hours: 8:00AM - 3:30PM Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Noon - 4:00PM Fridays. Closed Monday and weekends.
Note: We will have limited fingerprinting services from Feb. 10 - 20, and during this time we will be open only Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons from noon to 4 p.m.


Two pieces of acceptable ID (one of which must be Canadian Government issued photo ID) are required. For ID to be considered acceptable, it must have the person's legal name, date of birth, and it cannot be expired.

Please note: the new BC Services Card combines the BC Driver’s Licence and Care Card. This Services Card is considered one form of ID. Two pieces of accepted ID, one of which must be a photo ID, is required for all services provided.

Valid identification includes:

  • Passport
  • Driver’s License
  • BC Identification Card (BCID)
  • Birth Certificate
  • Canadian Citizenship Card
  • Permanent Resident Card
  • Certificate of Indian Status
  • Immigrant Documents
  • Military Family ID
  • Record of Landing for Citizenship Applicant
  • Certificate of Live Birth
  • Nexus Card


Digital Fingerprinting


Commissionaires has been accredited by the RCMP to conduct digital fingerprinting for the last 15 years. We offer the latest, secure technology, ensuring quick and reliable results for you. Digital fingerprinting is available for citizenship, immigration, employment, travel, record suspensions and more. The process takes approximately 15 minutes, and you will receive fast results in as little as 10 days. We are also able to perform digital fingerprinting to support a police service or RCMP detachment that requests a Vulnerable Sector Search. If you have received a letter of instruction from the Ministry of Justice requesting Digital Fingerprinting for a Vulnerable Sector Search, we assist in this process. In order to complete this service, please be sure to bring this letter of instruction with you. The Vulnerable Sector Search must be initiated with either your local police, RCMP or the Ministry of Justice. As of July 2014, Ottawa RCMP no longer conducts fingerprint comparison checks based on ink and roll. All fingerprint transmissions must be sent electronically. For those who are unable to receive digital fingerprinting, consider our Scan to Digital service. FAQS
Ink and Roll Fingerprinting


Commissionaires continues to offer traditional ink and roll fingerprinting for the RCMP C-216C form and the FBI (FD-258) forms for those who may need to send fingerprints to another country for a record check or for a government clearance. As well, we have fingerprinting forms for many countries such as Japan, South Africa, Kenya, Singapore and others. For South Africa passport renewal fingerprinting, you will need to first contact SA Embassy/Consulate for passport renewal form. We now also offer digital roll fingerprinting services in lieu of traditional ink cards.
criminal record check


Commissionaires provides criminal record checks (also known as criminal history record checks, police record checks, police certificates, CPICs, police clearances, criminal background checks, RCMP criminal record checks) for the purposes of pre-employment screening, visa applications and foreign travel / work permits to individuals, employees or organizations. As well, Criminal Record Checks may be used for Real Estate Licensing and Mortgage Broker licensing (FICOM). This service is offered in-person at one of our convenient processing locations or online. See Services & Fees above for pricing details. Begin the Electronic Criminal Record Check (eCPIC) process: eCPIC Registration


People may suffer discrimination, restricted freedom and lost opportunities because of a criminal record—even if they have lived for many years as a responsible, law-abiding citizen. A record suspension (formerly known as a pardon) allows people who were convicted of a criminal offence to have their criminal record removed and kept separate and apart from other criminal records. Doing so can free your future, clearing the way for a new beginning. Let Commissionaires make getting a record suspension simple and pain free: You will be required to submit fingerprints as part of your application (we can do that) and we can also assist you with your record suspension application every step of the way. At Commissionaires, you will be treated with courtesy and respect—regardless of your background or the circumstances surrounding your criminal conviction. We offer a confidential setting where your individual rights and privacy are assured.
criminal record check


The United States can refuse admission to any person convicted of a criminal offence. This means that if you have a criminal record, you should obtain a US Entry Waiver to ensure that you will not be turned back at the border and that you can legally travel to, or through, the U.S. Anyone granted a US Entry Waiver should be at no risk of being refused entry to the United States. A US Entry Waiver overrides any personal discretion that US border guards may have. Obtaining an I-192 waiver to travel to the United States will require fingerprints (we provide this service) and we can also help you with the US Entry Waiver application process. At Commissionaires, you will be treated with courtesy and respect. We offer a confidential setting where your individual rights and privacy are assured.