Security News | Commissionaires BC

T’is the Season to Give Back!

Members of our office staff could be seen volunteering at the Greater Vancouver Food Bank today. The Greater Vancouver Food Bank was created to offer temporary relief to the hunger crisis in 1982 – and is now an organization that continues to support thousands in need. T’is the season to give back!

Remembrance Day Across The Province

Commissionaires was honoured to participate in various Remembrance Day ceremonies across the province this year, some of which were captured and shown above. Pictured first are our Detention Guards in 100 Mile House, where our Guards were front and centre for the ceremonies at the Detachment. Below that are our Kelowna commissionaires marching in the ceremony in Downtown Kelowna. Pictured bottom left and right is commissionaire Brian Hatch, CEO Chris Mitchell, and Client Services Manager Bo Mason in Vancouver, attending both Aboriginal…
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Honouring Those Who Serve and Have Served

November 11 is a day that we wear a poppy over our hearts to honour all those we lost in the line of duty, and thank all those who served and continue to serve. Today is a day we remember. Lest We Forget.

Commissionaire Al McNeil Distributing Poppies

Each year, Commissionaire, CF veteran and Legion Executive, Al McNeil organizes cadets and Legion members for the distribution of poppies for Remembrance Day in the Southern Okanagan area. A big thank you to Al for doing his part in remembering those who served and continue to serve. Poppies are available at our Kelowna Regional office!

Happy 90th Anniversary Commissionaires BC!

Today, October 26, 2017, marks the 90th Anniversary of the BC Corps of Commissionaires! Our division began when only three men by the names of Percy Lawrence, A. Farthing, and C.B Strickland, approached LCol. A. Leslie Coote, CD, a pre-war officer, for guidance and support in forming a unit of Commissionaires. Originally, we were incorporated with only a handful of personnel. Today, we have expanded to over 1,200 men and women from all walks of life who have all contributed greatly…
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