Security News | Commissionaires BC

Commissionaires Employee Appreciation BBQ – Vancouver

As summer slowly comes to an end, Commissionaires employees once again gathered for our second Employee Appreciation BBQ. The BBQ took place at Creekside Park, just outside of the downtown core. Several commissionaires trickled in throughout the day, enjoying some delicious BBQ and good company. Thank you to all those that stopped by! We look forward to hosting more events in the near future.

Commissionaires at 2017 Peachfest – Penticton Airport

Site Supervisor, Brad Shaw, of the Penticton Regional Airport was on shift during the 2017 Peachfest and managed to take a few snapshots of the Snowbirds and Skyhawks on August 9, 2017. Despite the smoke-filled sky, the RCAF put on a fantastic Airshow! In addition to our 24/7 presence at the airport year-round, our Commissionaires worked on-site as extra security for the planes while they were on the ground. Pictured above is Commissionaire David Kerr, who was invited a day…
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Commissionaires At The Abbotsford Airshow!

Commissionaires was at the Abbotsford Airshow on Saturday, August 12, 2017! Manning our tent was HR Generalist, Heather Johnson, Commissionaire Brian Fearnehough, and HR Generalist, Mona Kooner. Commissionaires could also be seen on site, working as Gate Security and ensuring the event was a safe one.

Vancouver and Kelowna Office Staff Complete ‘Secret Mission’

Our office staff from Vancouver and Kelowna completed a Vancouver Mystery – Secret Mission: Save The City on Friday, July 28 in downtown Vancouver. This event had us working together to gather clues, solve puzzles, and complete the mission in order to “save Vancouver.” Great work team!