“To provide services of uncompromising quality, integrity and competence to all Clients by continually upgrading those services to better meet the needs of our Clients while maintaining an awareness of those services and their impact on the environment consistent with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards. It also includes a commitment to the protection of the environment, compliance with government regulations and prevention of pollution.”
The Quality System is represented by a Quality Manual (QM), Quality Procedures (QPs), and Post Orders. The QM describes the organizational policies required by ISO 9001. The QPs are the specific performance levels that will be achieved in accordance with ISO 9001. The key concepts are:
Say What You Do
This means writing down how we conduct each step of the business process that affects the quality of the service, in accordance with the requirements of the standard of ISO.
Do What You Say
Everything that people do within the organization must be carried out in accordance with the written procedures.
Show It
Demonstrate through documented "objective evidence" to a third party auditor that our quality system meets the requirements of the quality standard and that our system is being implemented effectively. In order to be an ISO registered company, the Division follows procedures laid down described in a manual of procedures, to meet the quality objectives.
Improve It
All procedures are internally audited yearly by the Division Head Office and on a rotational basis by an external audit entity. All Internal Auditors have received applicable training in order to facilitate this function. These audits provide suggestions as to how their operation can be improved.
The Commissionaires Environmental System is based on the methodology of PLAN – DO – CHECK – ACT.
Establish the objectives and process necessary to deliver results in accordance with the organization’s environmental policy.
Implement the process.
Monitor and measure processes against environmental policy, objectives, targets and legal or other requirements and report the results.
Take actions to continually improve performance of the environmental management system.
Commissionaires has chosen 9 Environmental Aspects to focus on which may have a significant aspect on our environment:
1. Reduction in the usage of paper for printing and paper supplies 2. Reduction in the use of ink toner and ink cartridges
3. Household Hazardous Waste 4. Vehicles use for business
5. Parking for vehicles
6. Solid waste generation
7. Heating and miscellaneous systems
8. Air conditioning/cooling systems
9. Wastewater discharge
For more information on these factors and how Commissionaires BC is mitigating their impact on the environment, please contact us via phone or email.
604 646 3330