Security News | Commissionaires BC

Happy Birthday to Commissionaires BC

89 years ago today, Commissionaires BC, one of 15 Commissionaires divisions across the country, was established. Since then, our organization has continued to grow, thanks to all those that make it possible. Happy Birthday to Commissionaires BC!

2016 Bursary Recipients

As part of our mandate to support employees, veterans, and family members, we have offered three (3) $2,000 bursaries this year in support of students enrolled in post-secondary education programs. We would like to congratulate the following recipients: Ingrid Olson A Canadian Armed Forces veteran, who works part-time for Commissionaires and is pursuing a doctorate in film/ video studies at the University of British Columbia. Kristof Lenart A second-year nursing student at BCIT and a part-time Commissionaires employee who works…
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Commissionaires Exhibits at Annual Chiefs of Police Convention

CEOs from Commissionaires divisions across the country attended the 111th Annual Chiefs of Police Convention held in Ottawa between August 14 – 17, including our very own Dan Popowich. Our national office held booth on behalf of our organization, which offered attendees information on the many services we offer.

Lunch With Assistant Commissioner Bill Fordy

Commissionaires BC Chief Executive Officer, Dan Popowich attended the Lunch with Assistant Commissioner Bill Fordy, hosted by the Surrey Board of Trade, with member of our Board of Directors, Gary Bass and guests of Commissionaires. We were proud to be a sponsor of this important event, as it highlights our long term commitment to servicing the city of Surrey.

Bursary Opportunities with Commissionaires BC!

It’s that time of year again! Apply for a bursary with Commissionaires BC, and you could be awarded one of three $2000 bursaries that will be used towards your post-secondary education. These bursaries are non-repayable awards that are given to students on the basis of financial need. Priority will be given to: Employees of Commissionaires BC Immediate family members of Commissionaires BC employees Other BC resident veterans who do not have access to funding from other sources, or whose funding is inadequate NOTE: Commissionaires…
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